Believe it or not, many paintball players like to get out during the winter season and play paintball. Of course, this could be a very cold experience, and it doesn’t feel great to get hit with paintballs in the cold weather. For the once in a great while paintball player, this doesn’t seem like the best time to go out and play, but for the ones who want to get better and have some fun outside in the winter, it can be the perfect time.
Practice Makes Perfect
One of the biggest benefits of playing paintball in the winter is that it makes playing paintball when the weather turns warm much better. Winter paintball isn’t for every player, but it can provide you with an opportunity to practice your game, learn strategies, and not be confined to the indoors the entire winter season.
Battle Creek Paintball & Airsoft Fields
At Battle Creek Paintball, we provide paintball and airsoft fields in New Jersey for paintball players to play in a field and on a course during the spring and the summer seasons. When it’s nice outside, it’s the perfect time to gather your friends and get a big paintball or airsoft game going at a course.
The winter can be a time where you orchestrate smaller games on your own property. This allows for you to practice before the season of paintball gets going.
Here are some tips for playing paintball in the winter:
Wear Warm Clothing – The benefit of playing paintball in the winter is you can dress with layers to keep warm and not feel the effect of the paintball hitting you. Wear gloves, a hat under your mask, a winter jacket, snow pants, etc.
Smaller Playing Field – If you have property allowing you to roam around and play paintball, this is a very good thing. However, you do have to create a course for yourself, and in the winter, it’s best if you shorten the course to make it more competitive and less exhausting.
Return to the Indoors if It’s Too Cold – The winter season can be tough for playing paintball, so if it does get too cold outside, it’s best if you put the game on hold and return to the indoors to stay warm.
At Battle Creek Paintball, we look forward to having everyone return to our paintball and airsoft fields to play paintball in the spring season. For more information about our paintball fields and services we provide, contact Battle Creek Paintball & Airsoft Fields at 973-545-2556 today or visit us online!