Playing Paintball Can Offer Some Surprising Health Benefits

Paintball PlayerYou already know that paintball is a fun and exciting activity you can enjoy with a group of friends, but did you know that playing paintball can also offer some notable health benefits? Here are just a few examples of the many ways playing paintball can improve your health.

Enjoy a Full-Body Workout

If you play paintball, you can skip the gym for the day. All the crawling, diving, sprinting and dodging (while carrying your gear) works just about every muscle in your body.

Boost Endurance

Spend a few hours on the paintball field, and you’ll get a great cardiovascular workout that enhances your endurance levels.

Relieve Stress

The benefits of playing paintball aren’t just physical. It’s also good for your mental health! A rousing game of paintball will get your mind off things that might be keeping you up at night and provide a welcome boost of endorphins. After all, there’s no time to think about the stress of day-to-day life when you’re dodging fire from the opposing team.

Get Outdoors

Getting outside during a paintball game has a variety of benefits as well. Spending more time outdoors can improve your focus, mood and even promote a healthy immune system.

Build Self-Confidence

Your self-confidence is fundamental to your overall well-being. Playing paintball will foster your competitive spirit and leadership skills, making you feel good about your ability to contribute to a dedicated team effort.

Ready to enjoy the many health benefits of a fast-paced game of paintball? At Battle Creek, you can play paintball on 15 acres of woodlands, hills, paths and carefully crafted fields in West Milford New Jersey. Just give us a call or contact us online to schedule your next game today!

Ever Wonder What Paintballs Are Made Of?

PaintballsYou’re not alone. You may have shot many thousands of paintballs over the years, but do you really know what these paint-filled projectiles made of?

First of all, rest assured that you’re always getting hit with materials that are completely non-toxic and biodegradable. If you want a closer look into the construction of a paintball, read on.

Paintballs consist of two parts:

The Shell

The shell is the outer portion that breaks apart when your paintball makes impact with a surface – ideally a member of the opposing team. The shell is almost always made of gelatin, and it functions similarly to a supplement capsule. It contains the fill, but will break upon heavy impact. It’s important to store your paintballs properly, because the gelatin can harden in the sun or when exposed to air for a long time. When the gelatin gets too hard, you won’t get that satisfying splat when you make contact with an opponent.

The Fill

The fill consists of dye and solvent that marks your opponent once the shell breaks apart. The contents of the fill vary, but usually consist of water-soluble dyes contained within polyethylene glycol. Some cheaper variants are made with an oil base, but these are harder to wash out of clothing and not as environmentally friendly.

At Battle Creek Paintball, you can enjoy playing fast-paced games across 15 acres of woodlands, hills and fields that pose unique tactical challenges for beginners and veterans alike. Just give us a call or contact us online to book your reservation today!


Today is the LAST DAY to enter our Sweepstakes contest! We are giving away a Paintball rental for up to 8 people 500 rounds each and gun rentals included! Thank you to everyone that has entered to get your last entries in click here and good luck! Winner announced soon!


So you’ve enter the contest, you shared with your friends, now what to do? ENTER AGAIN! You can enter everyday once per day, the more you enter the better chance you have at winning a paintball rental for up to 8 people 500 rounds each and gun rentals included!